What Casino Game Are You?

George |

Even if you’re a fan of casino quizzes you’ve probably played most of them by now – ‘what casino game is right for you?’, well you probably know by now after you’ve tried a few of them out. How about ‘What kind of gambler are you?’ – again, a minute of gameplay will tell you that.

But never fear!

We have a quiz here which asks a bold new question that you probably won’t have even thought of that much. Rather than what casino game are you best at, which casino game are you? It’s a big question, less about what your personality and skills are like and more your physical attributes, are you 52 pieces of cardboard, a large rotating wheel or a cabinet filled with advanced machinery that offers large pay-outs?

Are you installed at a regular brick and mortar, an online casino, maybe even at a live casino? Whatever your identity, this quiz will soon let you know which bit of casino real estate you should occupy.